How do you know if you are on the right track ? Very easy, if you get licensing requests before the release date. We have got several request for compilations. Below a example (see picture 1) for privacy reasons we have deleted some information:
Picture 1
So we have check it, if it is fake. But it's real :). Here one example of the compilation request
(see picture 2)
Picture 2
Of course cupcreamrecords/ Wall S will grant a license for compilations. We want to take this moment to thank them for the trust in Cupcreamrecords, we are very glad we could serve their needs.
All our tracks are non exclusive licencened to cupcreamrecords. For licensing contact us by,
But what about music and licensing what so special about it ? I can talk hours about this subject. Is it complicated ? Yes it can be complicated, because it has everything to do with law. Law, can be complicated and booooring. So to avoid boringness, unnecessary complicity i will sum some important things up.
As a songwriter in a stand alone situation you have and own 100% of the copyright. That copyright includes also that you have the right to give people permission to use your song(s) (intellectual property) in their projects without you giving your ownership away (licensing) . The best metaphor for licensing is, someone is the owner of a house (property) and give's you the permission to hire a room.
You can license your property exclusive to someone what means nobody else can use your work in their projects or non exclusive what is the opposite.
So what is, so special about it ? Someone liked your work and want to complete their project, thats a ultimate way of sharing and compliment. In the end it is all about sharing and make people happy.
Want to know more about this subject check the video below, from 3.10 about licensing: